But planting waits for no one, and I have been very busy planting seeds.
I went a little too extreme, planting 17 varieties of tomatoes…which means I accidentally planted 932 tomatoes.
I am listing all of the plants you can order, but be aware that although I may have many seedlings, I may not have the kind you want. So please let me know, because I might be sold out. I am including herbs this year.
Amish paste – giant, blocky, Roma type for paste and canning
Pink Accordion – unique, large, pink fruit is ruffled like an accordion; tomato is semi-hollow, so it is excellent for stuffing; flavour is sweet and mild
Black Krim – rich, sweet; heirloom from Russia; dark red-purple, high in
Snow Fairy – dwarf tomato from Russia; small globe-shaped fruit very early; tart; excellent for patio pots
Gypsy – (limited quantity) deepest, purplest, maroon; medium-sized fruit; perfect for soups
Yellow Pear – golden pear-shaped with mild flavour; plentiful; perfect for preserves or salads
Chocolate Pear – ‘black’ pear-shaped; high yields; rich flavour
Martino’s Roma – high yields of richly flavourful plum tomatoes; compact; 2-3 oz; few seeds
Black Cherry – large, dusky purple, rich flavour; high yields; delicious
A Grappoli D’Iverno – (limited) winter grape of old Italy; keeps on vine; little ‘Roma’s’; delicious
Bonny Best – (limited) medium-sized fruit; round, red, meaty; not your hybrid garbage; flavour!
Blue Beauty – (limited) modest beefsteak-type; 8 oz; so much flavour; keeps well; gorgeous blue colour
Chile Verde – (limited) pointed pepper shape; mellow green skin; strong earthy flavour; green paste tomato
Minibel – bite-sized fruit; sweet; tiny plants perfect for patio; excellent for container gardening
Pink Ponderosa – can reach 2lbs; pink-red beefsteak; thick and delicious; canning
Canary Yellow – sweet; bright yellow bell-shape
Corbaci – long, 10″ fruit are twisted, slender; heirloom from Turkey; rich flavour for pickling or frying; productive
Lipstick – 4″, tapered, sweet, thick flesh
Thai red – hot heirloom from Thailand; easy to dry; bright red; pungent heat
Purple jalapeno – deep purple turning to deep red; full jalapeno flavour; great for salsa
Walthum butternut – good yields; excellent taste; keep for a long time (mine are still good!)
Blacktail watermelon – early; grows well in heat and drought; 8-12lbs; bright red and sweet
Early Fortune cucumber – slicing-type; 7-8″; 2″ in diameter; crisp white flesh; pre-1907
Boston pickling – heirloom variety pre-1880, not a hybrid type; vigorous vine; large yields; crisp and excellent for pickles
Galeus D’Eysines Squash – flattened heirloom squash; 10-15lbs fruit covered in salmon-peach skin covered with large warts; orange flesh is perfect for soups or baking; gorgeous and crazy
Jack Be Little pumpkin – 8oz; flat and ribbed; good flesh; tiny but usable
Golden Jenny melon – 2lbs; early and productive; sweet
Lemon zucchini – shape, size and colour of a lemon; fits in your palm; excellent yields; firm; pretty and delicious
Purple of Sicily cauliflower – brilliant purple head; 2-3lbs; sweet flavour; cooks to bright green
Catskill brussel sprouts – hardy, dwarf plants; uniform sprouts; 1941
Brunswick cabbage – large, drumhead, cold-hardy; fall/winter types; stores well
Glory of Enkhuizen – pre-1900; medium-large, hard, round heads; excellent keeper; good for kraut and fresh
Red Express cabbage – open-pollinated; compact, extra-early; 2-3lbs; split-resistant oval heads
Early Purple Sprouting broccoli – purple broccoli sprouts in spring; frost hardy
Rapini broccoli – Italian non-heading grown for flavourful asparagus-like shoots and leaves; cook or in salads
Violet de Gournay radish – 10″, deep violet-purple skin with crisp white flesh; cooking, pickling, grated raw; easy to grow; delicious bite
Lettuces – feel free to inquire about a flat of mixed lettuce seedlings as well
Amsterdam prickly spinach – 1806; hardy; pointed leaves; excellent yield; gorgeous flavour
Arugula – easy to grow; grows well after cutting; good tangy flavour
Red romaine – red and green mottled leaves; easy yields; delicious
microgreens – variety of mustard leaves; red orach; red mizuna; tatsoi; corn salad
thyme, emily basil, lemongrass, blue hyssop, borage, catnip, blue spice basil, cilantro, rue, lemon basil, cinnamon basil, tarragon, marjoram, rosemary, oregano, parsley, sage, chervil
Green tomatillo – gorgeous husk-covered fruit; used in salsa verde and amazing in soup; raw tastes like a cross between a tomato and an apple
Contact me if you have any questions! loveandoregano@gmail.com