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Early Morning I can’t get enough of this view…IMG_5234 IMG_5227 IMG_5221 IMG_5187We also have chickens now…they aren’t terribly clever, and they shriek at me whenever I open the back door, but they are beginning to lay yummy eggs, so I can’t complain.

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early morning awesomeness
early morning awesomeness


night time awesomeness
night time awesomeness
lilies found in the creek
lilies found in the creek
totally safe
totally safe
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole

I’m very excited about the oriole because I have never seen one. They seem to prefer nesting in elm trees, and we just happen to have an elm tree out front. In front of a manitoba maple (Betty) and orioles loooove their seeds! Their song is beautiful.



The cat brought me a mouse. Er…good girl.



More Weird Things

I have two large rubbermaid containers to hold my bird seed. I leave one of them on my porch because I’m too lazy to walk it back to the barn and put it away.

Twice I have found the lid opened and chewed. Oh, I think to myself, I must have left it open. Huh.

Yesterday I found a chipmunk inside. Well, I had no idea how to get him out, and there was absolutely no way I would pick up the container and shake it (because what if he climbed out and attacked my face?) so I yelled a lot and tried to look menacing.  He inhaled 5 more sunflower seeds and then took his time leaving.  I shook the container to see how much he had eaten.

And there was something fuzzy inside.

Not moving.

So I calmly put it down on the ground, in the sun, walked back inside the house and waited for hubby to come home the next day and deal with it.


Weird Stuff We Find on the Farm

We’ve only been here a few months, but we’ve found some very odd things. And some magical things.


IMG_3887Yes, that’s a turkey foot.  All by itself. Just sitting on the ground. Two days ago we had turkeys. About 14 of them, just feeding off the ground. And then we went up on Zero Point Mom (a hill) and found this. No feathers, no guts.



And this is hubby’s hand to show you how gigantic it is. Gross, right?